£50 could...
Help us provide one hour of specialist nursing care on our In-Patient Unit for a person with a life-limiting illness
£30 a month
Help fund a Jigsaw Project Day for children who have experienced a bereavement
Channel 4 News – Inside Durham hospice battling £1.3m black hole
We wish we had welcomed the news team under better circumstances, but to be able to shine a light on the difficulties we and other hospices are facing was so very important.
Paul Marriott Retires as CEO, Laura Barker announced as new CEO
Real life inspiration behind national hospices TV advert
The inspiration for one of the stories in the new ‘This is Hospice Care’ TV advert which launched last week came from a real life story here at St Cuthbert’s Hospice. In the advert, a man can be seen attending a Hospice for physiotherapy and then leaving on his motorbike. That inspiration came from Mark Stanger.
St Cuthbert’s Hospice joins National Legacy Campaign to secure future care
Every Moment Matters. St Cuthbert's Hospice is proud to be part of 'This is Hospice Care', a nationwide initiative led by Hospice UK to highlight the power of legacy giving in sustaining hospice services across the UK.
Magic Memories Made With Joe Wicks Visit to Hospice
From over 10,000 applications St Cuthbert's Hospice was selected to be one of around 10 organisations to receive a visit from The Body Coach Joe Wicks
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