‘Sue Dobson, though missed dearly every day, is remembered particularly on the day that would have marked her 66th birthday. Sue, despite travelling to all four corners of the world never strayed far in her heart from her roots and family in the North-East. The warmth by which she interacted with even the briefest of acquaintances transcended borders and endeared herself to everyone she met. For all there is to say about how wonderful a person Sue was, it still does not even come close to doing her justice. Perhaps, fittingly, the Durham Gazette back in 1974 offered the best, most all-encompassing description of Sue: ‘Man, she’s lovely.’

“Embodying kindness and compassion, Sue, along with all at St Cuthbert’s Hospice, represent the very best of humanity. In a world that feels like it is becoming more unkind, it is impossible to understate the value of this manner of care provided at St Cuthbert’s. From Sue’s family and friends, a tremendous thank you for everything you do.”
On 11th October 2021, for twenty four whole hours, our full clinical running costs have been donated in loving memory of Susan Dobson with a ‘Pay for a Day’ donation. The words above were kindly shared by her family. We are extremely grateful for this special donation in her name.