Fay Quinn, daughter of Norma Quinn kindly shared her story about her Mam’s experience here at the Hospice.
“My Mam was a glamourous woman; she always had her makeup done and hair styled – that was always so important to her even in the hardest of times.”
Norma was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in October 2014 and came to join us at the Hospice in June 2021.
Like so many others, Norma and Fay had their reservations about ‘Hospice care’ and what it is like to visit a ‘Hospice’.
But being a Living Well Centre guest positively showed Norma and Fay just what Hospice care is, helping to overcome their reservations.
With a love for cross stitching, Norma thoroughly enjoyed the creative art sessions. She even formed a lovely friendship based on chatter and laughter.
“Going to the Living Well Centre was a big part of lifting my Mam’s spirits.
Life could be so mundane for her, and the sessions really helped.”
Norma’s condition deteriorated quite suddenly, and she was admitted to the In-Patient Unit at the Hospice.
The room that Norma was in, in the In-Patient Unit, had the perfect view of our beautiful gardens.
It was just so special to her that she was able to see the sanctuary of nature we have here at the Hospice as a passion of hers was her own garden at home.
From birds flitting to squirrels passing by, and shockingly one day a … ‘peacock’ …
which upon further investigation turned out to be a pheasant!
A joyous memory that Fay still laughs about to this day.
“We always tried to have a laugh, to keep smiling even when it was tough.”
Due to Norma’s condition, she was sadly unable to have a bath.
“It was just too difficult, even with help to assist her safely.”
For the first time in a long time, Norma had a warm relaxing bubble bath during her time at the Hospice with gorgeous scents that filled the air around her.
“She hadn’t had a bath in over 7 years. It was so lovely, she really loved it.”
Norma had always said that she did not wish to pass away in Hospice care, she wanted to be at home.
As the time felt closer, Fay spoke to her Mum and let her know that she would take her home and look after her.
Since spending time and receiving care at the Hospice, Norma changed her mind and chose to stay.
Norma said, “I feel safe here”.
Fay found this to be so important and heart-warming. She didn’t feel guilty but comforted knowing her Mum was well taken care of.
“The nurses were so kind, offering a sandwich or a cuppa, and that wasn’t just to my Mam that was extended to us as her family.
It really made a difference.”

Like Mother like Daughter, Fay too has a knack for creativity and has been whittling for many years now. Fay channelled her love, grief, and appreciation into a beautiful stone carving, as a donation to the Hospice as a token of thanks.
If you look closely enough you will spot Fay’s tribute to her Mam, her favourite flowers, Lily’s.
Thank you Fay for sharing your kind words and for creating such a beautiful piece in memory of your Mam and her time spent here at the Hospice.