People are often surprised to learn that we offer dementia support at St Cuthbert's Hospice. Our care is extended to everyone affected by a diagnosis of dementia within the local community, and their carers.
Wherever a person is on their dementia journey, our Dementia Team can offer advice and support for both the person with dementia and also to their family. We aim to improve the well-being and quality of life for both the person with dementia and their carer. We promote positive approaches to living well with dementia and support carers to adjust and cope with the changes that dementia brings.
We hold dementia friendly therapeutic groups within The Living Well Centre including Cognitive Stimulation Therapy groups and a sporting memories reminiscence group.
Our Namaste Care Service can provide home based sessions for people with advanced dementia who may benefit from multi-sensory stimulation. Patients with dementia need a different kind of care to the specialist In-Patient care we provide at St Cuthbert’s, as we know it is helpful minimise changes and familiar surroundings can be so important. Therefore, where possible our Namaste Service aims to improve symptom relief wherever patients are currently being cared for.
Referrals can be made by any health professional, though a formal diagnosis of dementia is not essential.
In 2014 St Cuthbert's Hospice were the first Hospice in the country to employ an Admiral Nurse, a specialist dementia nurse, to support the needs of people with dementia, their families and carers. Many Hospices across the UK have now followed our lead and also employ Admiral Nurses and recognise dementia as a life-limiting illness.
Join us for a Carer Information Session
Join dementia specialist Admiral Nurse Jenna Cannon and Community Outreach Manager Louise Johnson for our carer information sessions at St Cuthbert’s Hospice. Attendance at all sessions is encouraged, however you are welcome to attend one session only if preferred or unable to make all dates.
Session 1 : Learn more about dementia and its progression in its advanced and end stages.
Session 2 : Consider your needs as a carer and find out how you can access support.
Session 3 : Planning ahead – this session will look at the end stages of dementia, advanced care planning and end-of-life
If required, support can be provided for your loved one whilst you attend the sessions. Dementia-friendly activities will take place in a nearby room supported by trained Hospice staff and volunteers.
Spaces are limited and we will hold more sessions as required to meet demand. Please let us know below if you’re interested in any new dates.
To book a place complete the form below
Contact us
If you would like to chat to us about coming for a tour and having a look around our Hospice please contact us on 0191 386 1170 or email